This technology is Renewable and Thermal Storage.

The MCTI Thermal Energy Storage (TES) systems employ the production of flow- ice (slurry) during electricity off-peak periods using lower cost electricity. It happens at certain hours during the day and at night. The stored energy is used during periods where cooling demand is at the peak as well when electrical demand charges apply, eliminating such charges and reducing energy costs. Compared to the traditional cooling systems the MCTI TES systems utilize much smaller capacity equipment

Energy Savings
Thermal energy storage systems provide energy savings when there are high loads of short duration, high electric power demand charges, or low electrical charges during off-peak hours. Additionally, lower ambient temperatures at night enhance operating efficiency.

Key Advantage
– Most energy efficient slurry ice generator available.
– System is already installed on skids so Site installation is simple
– Main Chillers operate at the partial load with maximum efficiency
– Chillers are smaller because they are not selected for the maximum cooling demand
– Smaller power connection Slurry Ice can be pumped long distances
– Very cold water is available for dehumidification if required
– Flexibility to optimize system efficiency under variable load conditions.